Study in FranceMost Employable Degrees in France

Most Employable Degrees in France

Like everywhere else, France also is known for its most popular occupations. They may change from time to time but some stay pretty much the same. According to a Linkedin research, the 3 most employable degrees in France right now are:

  1. Data Protection Officer (cybersecurity specialist)
  2. Artificial Intelligence Engineers
  3. Real Estate Agents

Industries in High Demand

Before we talk about jobs in high demand in France, let’s talk about the Industries in high demand. There are certain industries that are currently dominating in the employment market such as:

  • Health and social care
  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Manufacturing

High Demand Jobs in France

Besides the ones mentioned, there are of course a lot of other careers/jobs you could pursue that are in high demand in France, and information that might interest you about those jobs. Some of these jobs require a degree and some don’t. Take a look at our top picks to find out more.

Management: Consulting, Marketing, and Service Sector

In France, there is a high demand for management professionals. Whether it is business in consulting or marketing professionals there is a visible rise in demand of professionals in management. Here are some prestigious universities in France that offer degrees in management:

  • HEC Paris
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • ESSEC Business School
  • SKEMA Business School
  • EDHEC Business School
  • Université Paris Dauphine

Engineering: Aerospace, Automobile, Mechanical, Metallurgy

France is known for being a world leader in Automotive, Metallurgy, and Aerospace. They are in high demand for professionals across the world. Engineering schools in France always tend to attract international students who are looking to expand their knowledge and get a world class education and become a professional. Here are some renowned engineering schools in France that might interest you:

  • Grenoble Alpes University
  • Université de Lorraine
  • INSA Lyon
  • Polytech Montpellier
  • Sorbonne University
  • Université de Lille


Considering the fact that France engages with the English-speaking job market, demands for English teachers are high in all kinds of teaching institutions. You could teach English in elementary schools, secondary, higher education, or language colleges. Even if the job description is you teaching English only, you will still need to learn French. The official French proficiency certificates, DELF and DALF, are awarded by the French Ministry of Education and you may be required to take them to prove your ability to a required standard. A lot of families offer to hire English speakers to teach them English, as well as universities and elementary schools that you can apply for.


Electricians, locksmiths, roofers, plumbers all have an abundance of job opportunities in France. France is in the housing business, which means jobs mentioned in this section are more than needed to produce a comfortable home for individuals. To be hired as an employee in France in this trade, you will of course need a college degree. Take a look at some of the Best Global Universities for Electrical and Electronic Engineering in France.

  • CentraleSupelec
  • Universite Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology
  • Sorbonne Université
  • Université de Rennes 1
  • Université de Lille
  • Université de Lorraine
  • National Institute for Applied Sciences – Lyon

Research Scientist

France is known globally for housing some of the best research institutions in the world dedicated to fields in science such as medicine, biology, engineering, oceanography etc. The results conducted by said research facilities have produced inventions that are renowned and life changing. Since the French government invests in the country’s research, academic researchers all have access to top notch equipment and a great paycheck. Your academic success will of course decide all of this, and here are some great choices to pick for a Science University in France:

  • Sorbonne Université
  • University of Paris
  • University of Montpellier
  • Aix-Marseille University
  • Ecole Polytechnique
  • University of Grenoble
  • University of Bordeaux
  • Strasbourg University
  • Sciences Po

Computer Science and IT Professionals

France is one of the most tech advanced countries in Europe, so experimenting with different kinds of technologies is, of course, always in high demand for Computer Programmers and IT Professionals that can help to send France’s technology to the next level. You will need a degree in computer science, IT or engineering to get all the benefits of working in world class facilities including a great paycheck. Take a look at our top picks for some of the best computer science/IT universities in France.

  • Ecole Polytechnique
  • EPITA – School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Sorbonne Université
  • University of Paris
  • University of Grenoble
  • University of Bordeaux
  • Télécom ParisTech
  • Mines ParisTech
  • INSA Lyon

Doctors and Dentists

As mentioned before, France is always in need for professionals especially in the health sector. Because of having a shortage in medical professionals, doctors and dentists are amongst the most paid professionals in France. Dentists can have their own private practice or work for the government. Of course, to be a professional medical practitioner you need a medical degree. Below you will find some of the best medical universities in France and Europe too.

  • University of Aix-Marseille
  • Université de Bordeaux
  • University of Montpellier
  • Université de Lorraine
  • Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
  • University of Paris-Est Créteil
  • University of Strasbourg
  • Université de Paris
  • Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine
  • Université de Lorraine
  • Université Paris-Est
  • Paris-Saclay University
  • Université de Lille

Jobs in High Demand That Don’t Require a Degree

There are a lot of popular jobs in France that do not require a degree like the ones mentioned before. These are all in high demand and some even more than the ones who do require a degree.


In a nutshell, France is known for visually pleasing you, taking ordinary things and making them look remarkable. One of those remarkable things the French own is beautiful buildings that attract tourists every year to visit, own and rent them. Construction workers have a major part in building these “sight for sore eyes” buildings. This is why France is always in high demand of professional construction workers to help them fill and shape the breathtaking landscape that makes France.


Given that one of the most highly picked forms of living in France, if you’re an international student, is living with elderly people (sometimes taking care of them or teaching them English), some of them also need people to clean their houses/apartments. Cleaners can also work for different companies or jobs but if you need a place to live simultaneously, this might be the job for you and there are plenty of people offering such positions.

Tourism: Hospitality and Luxury

France, and more particularly Paris, to this day, continues to be the most visited tourist destination, with at least 79 million foreign tourists per year. Generating the third largest income from tourism globally, which puts France in the highest ranks of tourism. Moving on to “Luxury goods”, where the French excel in this area as well whether it be jewelry, perfumes, or even toiletries. This sector is growing continually and is always in demand of new talent. If this is something you think you would be passionate about, you are sure to find a job in France. Because courses like Fashion, Hospitality, Gourmet, and Luxury Management are all in high demand in France.

The Average Salaries of the Jobs

Now let’s take a look at this table showing how much these “high in demand” jobs pay in France:

Area of workAverage annual salary €Average annual salary $
Computer Science and IT€45,700$54,300
Research Scientist€44,750$54,360
Sales Worker€19,960$22,390

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